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Listing designs by SkyTheVirus.
Fan Art of these Designs
Featured Art Comments:
"A very simplistic and colorful piece. It really shows the Marooned Hammerhead in its natural habitat." - SkyTheVirus
Featured Art Comments:
"This one's design is really cute. He looks like a mix with a shark and a rabbit. (with the feet) He also looks so cute curled up in a ball." - SkyTheVirus
Featured Art Comments:
"This art really deserves it, just like that hammerhead getting the fish. the color pencil work is really nice." - SkyTheVirus
Featured Art Comments:
"Such a chubby little baby shark! I love his little arms, roller head and big eyes. Makes me wanna keep him." - SkyTheVirus
Featured Art Comments:
"A very abstract painting of the pinata. I really like how you use the splotches of color for gradients and how every glowing part really stands out. Awesome job!"
- SkyTheVirus