
Comments that this user has made.

Commented on:

During the challenge the popup states that it gives a 5x multiplier in U9, and lower multipliers for the lower Ubers. Despite expecting dragon challenges to be able to be completed in U10/11 it doesn't say so in the challenge description. I don't think this is a bug, just something that's been overlooked when introducing U10/11 to regular world.

Commented on: Cr0nicl3's Boss Radar Advanced Clean Version mod

Is there a way to increase the detection range? If so what values do I need to edit?

Commented on:

2 of the mobs in Geode Topside will always drop an item on death, the Moray Magician and Pentapod Shadowcaster (the 2 ranged enemies). 

Useful when farming with high magic-find/Stellar farm.