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Comments that this user has made.
Commented on: Lore Week page
1: Whats the story of the bosses of the shadow tower and where is the mother of Daughter of the moon?
2: Can Yabaki be considered a bird of paradise? If the goddess is powerful, where's she?
3: Qbthullu would be responsible for the attacks on the inhabitants of the geode? Why didnt we ever see him?
Commented on: Evil's Totally Evil Space Sage giveaway
Eu ganhei 1, mas não apareceu não minha conta... Jogo no ps4, será que vai aparecer quando chegar o update?
Commented on: Bedecked Iceboat Promo page
Commented on: Spaceosaurus giveaway
Commented on: Bedecked Iceboat Promo page