MegaJackson (Jasson-I)
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Characters that this user has created, this includes names images and what styles they use. This is intended for those who like to share their created characters appearance.
Frog Fong "He once had a peaceful kingdom not until the Sun and Moon sliced his lands into mortal war zones..."
Lunar Lancer
Janillo Isa "We may fall but our soul is relentless..."
Shadows aren't our enemy, they're the sun's most hated side of reality.
Shadows aren't our enemy, they're the sun's most hated side of reality.
Milla Tophair "Hey I met a wise looking dude named Janillo..the white-hair told me things...he opened my eyes.."
We need to find a way to convince the shadows to just chill out am I right?!
We need to find a way to convince the shadows to just chill out am I right?!