Tune Up - PC Patch Notes
Dear Trovians,
We are happy to present to you a new chapter in Trove: the incredible "Tune Up" update (PC)!
Celebrate the start of summer in Trove with amazing music and welcome our new character class - the Bard!
Our little musician - with his elegant movements - makes his debut. His powerful songs will mesmerize us and make us even stronger on our future adventures.
As you can imagine, our developers didn't stop after a new character class. The "Tune Up" update brings even more changes!
Discover tons of new stuff and first and foremost: have fun while making music in Trove.
The following patch notes are PC only. Here's an overview of today's update:
Find all information about the Bard in our FAQ >>> HERE <<<.
- Bards weave together stylish moves and powerful songs in order to buff allies and dish out magic damage. Bards use fist weapons to power up the strums of their lute. They have the ability to convert the physical damage on fist weapons into magic damage. This class goes to 11!
- Bard can be obtained through crafting on the chaos crafter or one of the Bard Packs. The Bard class cannot be obtained through class coins or the Sweet Sixteen Pack.
- Passive Ability - Melody
Melody is used for the Bard’s abilities and is generated from the Bardsong buff. Gaining Melody rotates what ultimate the Bard has access to. Having high Melody will also increase the Bard's basic attack damage. Melody is displayed on the Bardsong buff bar. - Basic Attack
The Bard sends out a strum of their lute dealing 250% magic damage to enemies in front of them. When the bard has 3 Melody this attack deals 450% magic damage but turning it up to 7 Melody deals 700% magic damage. - Primary Ability - Nimble Dance
A parry attack that deals 200% damage in a cone and grants the user an invulnerability bubble for 1 second. Nimble Dance removes 1 Melody. If used correctly during the Bardsong buff it will add 1 Melody. - Secondary 1 - Singing Crystal
Throws a singing crystal onto the ground. Whenever a song is used to buff nearby players, the area of effect is around both the bard and crystal. After using the ability Singing Crystal swaps into Crystal Pop. - Secondary 2 - Crystal Pop
Detonates the Singing Crystal with an overloaded amount of musical energy causing it to deal 350% magic damage to enemies around it and destroying the Singing Crystal. After using the ability Crystal Pop swaps back to Singing Crystal. - Ultimate 1 - Epic Riff
Starts the Bardsong buff and adds 1 to Melody. Bardsong periodically spawns icons above the Bard’s head. If the player uses the ability that matches the icon while it is active, they will gain 1 Melody. All Melody is lost when Bardsong buff ends. Duration is 50 seconds and displayed on the Bardsong buff bar. Using this ability while the Bardsong buff is active will refresh the song, keep your current Melody and add 1 to Melody. Abilities that can be used to gain Melody from the song are Basic Attack, Primary, Secondary, and Dodge. - Ultimate 2 - Jubilant Song
Causes nearby allies to dance and gain 25% increased movement speed and 30 max energy. Buffs allies with a 50% chance to restore energy when dealing damage. Removes 3 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 seconds. - Ultimate 3 - Peaceful Song
Heals nearby allies by 20% of max health and buffs them with 8% life gain when dealing damage. Additionally stuns nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds. Removes 3 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 seconds. - Ultimate 4 - Battle Song
Triggers an explosion around the bard dealing 600% magic damage to nearby enemies and temporarily redirects aggro to the player. Buffs nearby allies with 30% Physical and Magical Damage and 20 critical hit. Removes 3 Melody when used. Lasts for 30 seconds. - Class Gem
The Bard has increased attack range and bard songs increased effectiveness.
Jubilant - Gain increased movement speed by 40% and max energy by 50. Buffs allies with a 50% chance to restore energy when dealing damage.
Peaceful - Heals nearby allies by 45% of max health and buffs them with 15% life gain when dealing damage. Additionally, it applies stun to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
Battle - Explosion deals 800% magic damage to nearby enemies and temporarily redirects aggro to the player. Buffs nearby allies to gain 45% Physical and Magical Damage and 45 critical hit. - Subclass ability - Personal Song
Sing yourself a little song when you head into battle. When attacking, gain Jubilant, Peaceful, and Battle song buffs in that order. Each lasts for 3 seconds with a 15 second cooldown. Increases effectiveness with subclasses level.
Jubilant - Gain increased movement speed by 2% (15% at max level) and max energy by 2% (15% at max level).
Peaceful - 1% (5% at max level) life gain when dealing damage.
Battle - Gain increased attack speed by 2% (15% at max level) and critical hit by 2% (15% at max level).
- The dusky mount Dhade the Wisp Dancer has shown up in public and private delves.
- Look for Dhade in delves filled with smoke – these will only appear after the first Shadowy Soul Vault.
Find all information about our new packs in our in-game store >>> HERE <<<.
- Three new packs have entered stage left:
- The Bard Pack contains the Bard class along with the Wings of Song, the Cubix and Pretend Performer costumes for the Bard, and the Root Beer and Wild Hog allies.
- The Bard Super Pack contains the Bard class, the Pegasooza mount, the Wings of Song, the Cubix, Pretend Performer, DUBBard, Twangy Clangy, and Tremolonely costumes, the Root Beer, Wild Hog, and Fervent Support allies, and tops it off with 13370 credits.
- An upgrade pack will be available for players who have purchased the Bard Pack and wish to upgrade to the Bard Super Pack.
- The description of the Sweet Sixteen Pack has been updated to specifically mention it does not unlock the Bard class.
- Added some costumes to the Style tab of the store:
- Jolly Jester for Bard
- Si-ngs-lar for Bard
- Techno Tenor for Bard
- Rimestar for Bard
- Steadfast Striker for Neon Ninja
- Crimson Corsair for Lunar Lancer
- Twilight Ranger for vanguardian
- Corgian Borkbarian for Candy Barbarian
- Added a new crafting tier to Crystallogy! The Bardmancologist is now unlocked at 300 skill and unlocks the ability to craft new allies, mounts, wings, and new costumes for the Bard class!
- Bardium has been added to the Geode Caves. Found in Tier 5, this new rare ore is used to craft the Bard class, allies, mount, wings, and costumes.
- The Lunar Lunatic costume for Bard has been added to the Shadowy Market for Despoiled Divinity.
- New trophies have been added for the Pirrot Captain bosses in delves.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in Bomber Royale when all possible spectators are already dead.
- Added a mod out of date warning that will show up when mods are out of date once per update.
- Ancient Gears should now count towards ore collection requirements in delves.
- Increased mastery for the Cookie Conjurer, Cornucopia, Mistletoe Matron, Snowfest Slugger, Lederhosen Lancer, and Capotain Commander costumes.
- The drop rates of stable gateways have been increased.
- Q’bthulhu Corners will be a little more common at depths 162+ in private and public delves.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the “Welcome to the Hub” message for new users to flicker.
- Some collectables have received minor appearance improvements.
- Changed the name of the Pyro Firefighter costume to Pyro Fighter for consistency.
Best regards,
Your Trove Team!

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