Trove Files

searching for files in prefabs/item/test

6 files

prefabs/item/test/dummy_basic.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/test/dummy_basic
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Spawns dummy_basic NPCs when thrown
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => THROW TO SPAWN
    [icon] => c_m_pirate_captain_head.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/test/dummy_transient_basic.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/test/dummy_transient_basic
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Spawns dummy_basic NPCs when thrown
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => THROW TO SPAWN
    [icon] => c_m_pirate_captain_head.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/test/fishfood_test.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/test/fishfood_test
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Throw at liquid water to pick it up. Water is a build inventory item.\n\nSea of Regret water cannot be picked up with this sponge.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_sponge_watersponge_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Fish Food Test!!
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Throw at liquid water to pick it up. Water is a build inventory item.\n\nSea of Regret water cannot be picked up with this sponge.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_sponge_watersponge_item_description

    [icon] => item_sponge.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/test/fishfood_test_explosion.binfab Current Gear Up! Date Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/test/fishfood_test_projectile.binfab Current
prefabs/item/test/personalchestremote_test.binfab Current