Trove Files

prefabs/item/skin/secondary 0 28

searching for files in prefabs/item/skin

223 files

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_astronaut.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_astronaut
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_astronaut_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nFly yourself to the moon.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_astronaut_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Cubic Cosmonaut
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nFly yourself to the moon.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_astronaut_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_chaotic.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_chaotic
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Chaotic Wanderer costume for the Boomeranger class\n\nDesigned by 3motions
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => 3motions
    [name] => Costume: Chaotic Wanderer
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Chaotic Wanderer costume for the Boomeranger class\n\nDesigned by 3motions
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_description

    [icon] => 2019/ugc_adventure_box/costumes/adventurer_chaotic/c_p_adventurer_ui[3motions].png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_chaotic_notrade.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_chaotic_notrade
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_notrade_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Chaotic Wanderer costume for the Boomeranger class\n\nDesigned by 3motions
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_notrade_description
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Chaotic Wanderer
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Chaotic Wanderer costume for the Boomeranger class\n\nDesigned by 3motions
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_chaotic_notrade_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

    [compost] => Array
            [1] => ugc_adventure_box_rare

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_comichero.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_comichero
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_comichero_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Boomeranger Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_comichero_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Comic Hero
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Boomeranger Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_comichero_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_darkranger.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_darkranger
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_darkranger_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Boomeranger Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_darkranger_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Dark Boomeranger
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Boomeranger Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_darkranger_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_geode.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_geode
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_geode_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nRoam the Geode Topside with Howlugs at your side.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_geode_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Howlug Handler
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nRoam the Geode Topside with Howlugs at your side.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_geode_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_magician.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_magician
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_magician_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Boomeranger Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_magician_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Magic Man
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Boomeranger Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_magician_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_moonsilver.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_moonsilver
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_moonsilver_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A rare lunar Boomeranger costume.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_moonsilver_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Dusk Dervish
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A rare lunar Boomeranger costume.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_moonsilver_item_description

    [icon] => item_box_costume_moonsilver_adventurer.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_myth.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_myth
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_skins_adventurer_myth_skinset_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nShow off your superior hunting skills with this armor wrought from felled fiends.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_skins_adventurer_myth_skinset_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => GadgetCAT
    [name] => Beast Battler
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nShow off your superior hunting skills with this armor wrought from felled fiends.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_skins_adventurer_myth_skinset_description

    [icon] => c_p_adventurer_myth_ui[gadgetcat].png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

    [compost] => Array
            [1] => chaotic

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_resistor.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_resistor
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_resistor_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nKeep your foes on their toes with this surprise-filled super suit.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_resistor_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Resistor Gadgeteer
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Boomeranger.\n\nKeep your foes on their toes with this surprise-filled super suit.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_resistor_item_description

    [icon] => c_p_adventurer_resistor_ui.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_sandcastle_notrade.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_sandcastle_notrade
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_sandcastle_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Beach Buried Boomeranger costume for the Boomeranger.

Don't get caught sleeping on the sand!
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_sandcastle_item_description
    [notrade] => 1
    [blueprint] => 2024/skins/adventurer_sandcastle/c_p_adventurer_sandcastle_ui
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Beach Buried Boomeranger
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Beach Buried Boomeranger costume for the Boomeranger.

Don't get caught sleeping on the sand!
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_sandcastle_item_description

    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/adventurer_winterranger.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/adventurer_winterranger
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_winterranger_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Boomeranger Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_winterranger_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Winter Boomeranger
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Boomeranger Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_adventurer_winterranger_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_icecream.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_icecream
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_icecream_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_icecream_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Ice Cream Crusher
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_icecream_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_infineon.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_infineon
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_infineon_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_infineon_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Dark Infineon
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_infineon_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_jellybearblue.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_jellybearblue
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearblue_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearblue_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Blue Gummy Barbearian
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearblue_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_jellybearpink.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_jellybearpink
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearpink_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearpink_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Pink Gummy Barbearian
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybearpink_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_jellybear_both.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_jellybear_both
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybear_both_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybear_both_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Blue & Pink Gummy Barbearian
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_jellybear_both_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_krampus.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_krampus
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_krampus_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_krampus_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Frigid Fiend
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_krampus_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_licorice.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_licorice
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_licorice_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_licorice_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Licorice Lord
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_licorice_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_minotaur.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_minotaur
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_minotaur_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Candy Barbarian.

Traverse any maze of twisty little passages, even when they're all alike.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_minotaur_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Maze Mooster
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Candy Barbarian.

Traverse any maze of twisty little passages, even when they're all alike.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_candybarbarian_minotaur_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_moonsilver.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_moonsilver
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_moonsilver_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A rare lunar Candy Barbarian costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_moonsilver_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Lunar Berserker
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A rare lunar Candy Barbarian costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_moonsilver_item_description

    [icon] => item_box_costume_moonsilver_candybarbarian.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_skull.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_skull
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_skull_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_skull_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Sugar Skull
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_skull_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_snowfest.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_snowfest
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_snowfest_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_snowfest_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Santa Barbarian
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_snowfest_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/barbarian_yeti.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/barbarian_yeti
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_yeti_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Barbarian Costume
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_yeti_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Costume: Shaggy Yeti
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Barbarian Costume
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_skin_barbarian_yeti_item_description

    [icon] => item_costume_box.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/skin/bard_bunny.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/skin/bard_bunny
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_skins_bard_bunny_skinset_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => A costume for the Bard.

Bouncing note to note and song to song all Bunfest long.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_skins_bard_bunny_skinset_desc
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => not blueprint () 0
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Bunny Bounce-o
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc A costume for the Bard.

Bouncing note to note and song to song all Bunfest long.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_skins_bard_bunny_skinset_desc

    [icon] => 2022/skins/bard_bunny/c_p_bard_bunfest_ui.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array
            [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array
