Trove Files
searching for files in prefabs/item/mount
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_armored.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_armored [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_name [type] => Items [desc] => Anachronistic, but geared up and ready for adventure. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Armored Archaeoceratops [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Anachronistic, but geared up and ready for adventure. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_armored_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_armore ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_armored_cantrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_armored_cantrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_name [type] => Items [desc] => Anachronistic, but geared up and ready for adventure. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Armored Archaeoceratops [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Anachronistic, but geared up and ready for adventure. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_armored_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_armored_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_armore ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_kami.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_kami [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Mount: Kami of Surefooted Stalking [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_kami_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_kami ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_kami_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_kami_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Mount: Kami of Surefooted Stalking [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Find solace in your instincts, for they are your greatest strength. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_kami_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_kami_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_kami ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaosLow ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast_name [type] => Items [desc] => Like their Luckbeast cousins, Fluxbeasts are known to play with light waves to tease and trick the eyes. Unlike their Luckbeast cousins, they place a premium on gleam! [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Fluxbeast [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Like their Luckbeast cousins, Fluxbeasts are known to play with light waves to tease and trick the eyes. Unlike their Luckbeast cousins, they place a premium on gleam! [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast_description ) [icon] => 2021/mounts/march2021_fluxbeast/c_mt_archeoceratops_fluxbeast_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_fluxbeast ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast_name [type] => Items [desc] => Once bonded to their Trovians, Luckbeasts rarely-if-ever go back to their invisible form. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Luckbeast [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Once bonded to their Trovians, Luckbeasts rarely-if-ever go back to their invisible form. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast_description ) [icon] => 2021/mounts/march2021_luckbeast/c_mt_archeoceratops_luckbeast_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_march2021_luckbeast ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => march2021_notrade_mount ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_parasaur_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_parasaur_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_parasaur_name [type] => Items [desc] => A formitable challenge for even the most skilled Dino Tamer. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_parasaur_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Pendk [name] => Mount: Duckbill Dasher [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc A formitable challenge for even the most skilled Dino Tamer. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_archeoceratops_parasaur_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_parasaur_ui[pendk].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_parasaur ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaosLow ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Keep out of hot water - especially any containing pasta! [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Shrimpy [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Keep out of hot water - especially any containing pasta! [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_shrimp_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Keep out of hot water - especially any containing pasta! [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Shrimpy [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Keep out of hot water - especially any containing pasta! [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_shrimp_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_shrimp_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_shrimp ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaosLow ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_trex.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_trex [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_name [type] => Items [desc] => It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => SkyRider3217 [name] => Tiny T-Rex [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_trex_ui[skyrider3217].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_trex ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_trex_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_trex_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_name [type] => Items [desc] => It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => SkyRider3217 [name] => Tiny T-Rex [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_trex_ui[skyrider3217].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_trex ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_trex_trade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_trex_trade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_name [type] => Items [desc] => It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => SkyRider3217 [name] => Tiny T-Rex [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc It may be the runt of the litter, but it is still a king among titans. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_trex_description ) [icon] => c_mt_archeoceratops_trex_ui[skyrider3217].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_trex ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/archeoceratops_viking.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/archeoceratops_viking [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_viking_name [type] => Items [desc] => You have ALL of his axes. Rarely found from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, found within the Jurassic Jungle biome in adventure worlds. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_viking_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Bonewalker: Raging Raptor [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc You have ALL of his axes. Rarely found from the Tyrannosaurus Rex, found within the Jurassic Jungle biome in adventure worlds. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_archeoceratops_viking_description ) [icon] => 2023/mounts/archeoceratops_viking/c_mt_archeoceratops_viking_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/archeoceratops_viking ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_amperium.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_amperium [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_name [type] => Items [desc] => The Skullboinger has been scientifically* proven to be more fun to ride while humming\n\n* - mad-scientifically proven [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Skullboinger [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc The Skullboinger has been scientifically* proven to be more fun to ride while humming\n\n* - mad-scientifically proven [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_description ) [icon] => 2021/mounts/cc_ball_amperium/c_mt_ball_amperium_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_amperium ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_amperium_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_amperium_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_name [type] => Items [desc] => The Skullboinger has been scientifically* proven to be more fun to ride while humming\n\n* - mad-scientifically proven [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => PROfessOriginal [name] => Skullboinger [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc The Skullboinger has been scientifically* proven to be more fun to ride while humming\n\n* - mad-scientifically proven [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_amperium_description ) [icon] => 2021/mounts/cc_ball_amperium/c_mt_ball_amperium_ui[professoriginal].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_amperium ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaosLow ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_armadillo.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_armadillo [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_armadillo_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => So hyped to be out and about it can't stop bouncing. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_armadillo_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Baby 'Dillo [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc So hyped to be out and about it can't stop bouncing. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_armadillo_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_armadillo_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_armadillo ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_awesome.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_awesome [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_awesome_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Most people can't handle this much awesome. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_awesome_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Awesome Ball [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Most people can't handle this much awesome. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_awesome_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_smile.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_awesome ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_batblack.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_batblack [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_batblack_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Fed on way too many sleeping victims during the warm summer nights. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_batblack_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Bouncy Black Bat [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Fed on way too many sleeping victims during the warm summer nights. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_batblack_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_batblack_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_batblack ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_batbrown.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_batbrown [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_batbrown_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Ate way too much fruit during the plentiful summer days. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_batbrown_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Bouncy Brown Bat [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Ate way too much fruit during the plentiful summer days. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_batbrown_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_batbrown_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_batbrown ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_beehouse.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_beehouse [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_beehouse_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Always be bouncing and you'll outrun the stings! [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_beehouse_desc [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Always Bee-bouncing [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Always be bouncing and you'll outrun the stings! [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_beehouse_desc ) [icon] => 2023/mounts/ball_beehouse/c_mt_ball_beehouse_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_beehouse ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_bell.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_bell [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bell_name [type] => Items [desc] => Do your part to add to the festive mood with this jostling jingling bell. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bell_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Rebounding Ringer [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Do your part to add to the festive mood with this jostling jingling bell. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bell_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_bell_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_bell ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_blue.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_blue [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_blue_item_name [type] => Items [desc] => Bounce up to the great blue yonder. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_blue_item_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Mount: Blue Bounder [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc Bounce up to the great blue yonder. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_blue_item_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_blue.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_blue ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_bouncebomb.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Bomber Royale Season 3 | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_bouncebomb [name_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_name [type] => Items [desc] => A blast to bounce along on, especially when it goes boom! [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Trove Team [name] => Volatile Bounder [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc A blast to bounce along on, especially when it goes boom! [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_collections_mount_ball_bouncebomb_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_bouncebomb_ui.png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_bouncebomb ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_bouncyspring.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_bouncyspring [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_name [type] => Items [desc] => No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description [notrade] => 0 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Jusiv [name] => Mount: No-Quarter Bounder [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_bouncyspring_ui[jusiv].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_bouncyspring ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaotic ) ) |
prefabs/item/mount/ball_bouncyspring_notrade.binfab | Current | |
Array ( [filename] => item/mount/ball_bouncyspring_notrade [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_name [type] => Items [desc] => No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger. [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description [notrade] => 1 [iconmethod] => blueprint [designer] => Jusiv [name] => Mount: No-Quarter Bounder [debug] => Array ( [0] => desc No cheese, just a roiling coil that will pound your foes into hamburger. [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_mount_ball_bouncyspring_description ) [icon] => c_mt_ball_bouncyspring_ui[jusiv].png [animations] => [rig] => [parts] => Array ( ) [vfx] => Array ( [0] => character_common_learnrecipe_01.pkfx ) [loottables] => Array ( ) [unlocks] => Array ( [0] => collections/mount/ball_bouncyspring ) [unlock_type] => random [fixture_tiers] => Array ( ) [compost] => Array ( [1] => chaosLow ) ) |