Trove Files

searching for files in prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure

19 files

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/budgie.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/budgie
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_budgie_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Budgie Buddy mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_budgie_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Budgie Buddy Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_budgie.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_budgie

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/candy.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/candy
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => @Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing a rare Candorian mount!
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => @Candorian Adventure Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_candy.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_cookiephant

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/cookiephant.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/cookiephant
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_cookiephant_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Pink or Blue Cookiephant mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_cookiephant_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Cookiephant Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_cookiephant.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_cookiephant

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/dragonkami.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/dragonkami
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_dragonkami_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Kami of Scorched Skies or Kami of Sheltered Shores mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_dragonkami_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Adventurer's Neon Dragon Kami Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_dragonkami.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_dragonkami

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/earthdragon.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/earthdragon
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_earthdragon_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Paunchy Dragon Pup or Prodigal Peridoter mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_earthdragon_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Earthly Dragon Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_earthdragon.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_earthdragon

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/eggster.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/eggster
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_eggster_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Chocolate Chicanery or Eggster Bouncer mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_eggster_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Eggster Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_eggster.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_eggster

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/icegiant.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/icegiant
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_icegiant_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain wintry loot or stylish presents! Has a chance of containing rare Penguin allies!
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_icegiant_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Giant's Winter Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_icegiant.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_icegiant_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_icegiant_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_icegiant_rare

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/iguana.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/iguana
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_iguana_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Iguana or Giant Gila Monster mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_iguana_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Running Reptile Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_iguana.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_iguana

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/isles.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/isles
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => @Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing a rare Treasure Isles mount!
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => @Treasure Isles Adventure Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_isles.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_cookiephant

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/manta.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/manta
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_manta_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Blue Manta Ray or Green Manta Ray mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_manta_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Manta Ray Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_manta.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_manta

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/panda.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/panda
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_panda_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Giant Red Panda or Giant Fae Panda mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_panda_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Panda Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_panda.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_panda

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/phoenix.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/phoenix
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_phoenix_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Truefire Phoenix or Balefire Phoenix mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_phoenix_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Phoenix Adventurer's Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_phoenix.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_phoenix

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/shadowseve_2015.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/shadowseve_2015
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_shadowseve_2015_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of several rare Shadow's Eve mounts!
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_shadowseve_2015_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Shadow's Eve Adventurer Chest
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_shadowseve.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_shadowseve_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_shadowseve_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_shadowseve_rare

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/spider.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/spider
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_spider_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Fae Wildweaver or Orbed Weaver mounts!.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_spider_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Many-Legged Adventure Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_spider.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_spider

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/spires_01.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/spires_01
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_spires_01_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Frolicking Fox Spirit or Crimson-Crested Crane mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_spires_01_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Spire Spirits Adventure Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_spires.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_spires_01

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/sushi.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/sushi
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_sushi_item_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Open it to obtain adventuring loot! Has a chance of containing one of the rare Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri or Delicious Dragon Roll mounts.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_sushi_item_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Adventurer's Bento Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_sushi.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_sushi

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/ugc_adventure_box.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/ugc_adventure_box
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_ugc_adventure_box_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => Requires Adventurine Strongbox Key to open
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_ugc_adventure_box_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Locked Adventurine Strongbox
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_ugc.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_ugc_adventurine_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_ugc_adventurine_rare

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/ugc_adventure_box_notrade.binfab Current
prefabs/item/lootbox/adventure/vday_2016.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/lootbox/adventure/vday_2016
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_vday_2016_name
    [type] => Items
    [desc] => It sounds like something scratchy is inside.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_lootbox_adventure_vday_2016_description
    [notrade] => 0
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Skittering Heart Box
    [icon] => item_box_adventure_heart.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array
            [0] => lockbox_adventure_common
            [1] => lockbox_adventure_uncommon
            [2] => lockbox_adventure_vday_2016

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array
