Trove Files

prefabs/item/food/delve 0 4
prefabs/item/food/events 0 29
prefabs/item/food/fishing 0 18

searching for files in prefabs/item/food

20 files

prefabs/item/food/adventure_flask.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/adventure_mining.binfab Current Tutorial Rework Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/adventure_movespeed.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_cabbage.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_carrot.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_corn.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_grape.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_leek.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_potato.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_rainbowchard.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_tomato.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/basic_watermelon.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/event_bunfest2020.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/event_candy_corn.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/event_sunfest2019.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/event_sunfest2020.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/event_turkeytopia_01.binfab Current Rising Tides Punches & Potions
prefabs/item/food/gl_ashen_grub.binfab Current Punches & Potions Sunrise
    [filename] => item/food/gl_ashen_grub
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_gl_ashen_grub_name
    [type] => Adventure
    [desc] => Allows occasional collection of Ashfern Sporelings when defeating Ashen creatures in the Sundered Uplands.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_gl_ashen_grub_description
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Grubchew
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Allows occasional collection of Ashfern Sporelings when defeating Ashen creatures in the Sundered Uplands.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_food_gl_ashen_grub_description

    [icon] => 2022/giantlands/deco/ashen_grub.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/food/gl_clamchowder.binfab Current Punches & Potions Sunrise
    [filename] => item/food/gl_clamchowder
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_gl_clamchowder_name
    [type] => Adventure
    [desc] => Eat to become temporarily immune to the Reflect damage ability of Ashen Spore-Spreaders in the Sundered Uplands.
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_gl_clamchowder_description
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => "Clam" "Chow"
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc Eat to become temporarily immune to the Reflect damage ability of Ashen Spore-Spreaders in the Sundered Uplands.
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_food_gl_clamchowder_description

    [icon] => 2022/items/item_food_gl_clamchowder.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array

prefabs/item/food/mysticism_alchemystics_insight.binfab Current
    [filename] => item/food/mysticism_alchemystics_insight
    [name_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_mysticism_alchemystics_insight_name
    [type] => Adventure
    [desc] => When Equipped in the Auto-Use slot, allows Trovians the insight required to transform a currently active BUFF into a POTION RECIPE at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB
    [desc_identifier] => $prefabs_item_food_mysticism_alchemystics_insight_description
    [notrade] => 1
    [iconmethod] => blueprint
    [designer] => Trove Team
    [name] => Alchemystic's Insight
    [debug] => Array
            [0] => desc When Equipped in the Auto-Use slot, allows Trovians the insight required to transform a currently active BUFF into a POTION RECIPE at the ALCHEMYSTIC'S LAB
            [1] => desc_identifier $prefabs_item_food_mysticism_alchemystics_insight_description

    [icon] => 2023/items/item_food_mysticism_alchemystics_insight.png
    [animations] => 
    [rig] => 
    [parts] => Array

    [vfx] => Array

    [loottables] => Array

    [unlocks] => Array

    [unlock_type] => random
    [fixture_tiers] => Array
