Trove Files
searching for files in prefabs/effects/fishingbait
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_default.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_01.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_02.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_03.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_03_speed.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_03_speed_trophy.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_03_splitter.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_03_trophy.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_rarity_good.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_01.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_02.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_03.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_03_rarity.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_03_splitter.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_03_trophy.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_03_trophy_rarity.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_instant.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_speed_optimal.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_01.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_02.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_03.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_03_rarity.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_03_rarity_speed.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_03_speed.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Fees and Felines Reeling in the Stars | |
prefabs/effects/fishingbait/bait_trophy_03_splitter.binfab | Current Punches & Potions Reeling in the Stars |