November 2022

Pinzo's Penance 1/6: Hello Trovian! There's been a terrible mix up with one of me and a lot of Trove, but I'm here to set the record straight. You'll find me in the Events area of the Hub. Unfortunately I find myself without a seat at the table and next to some scaly and hungry dinosaurs. Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Defeat Invaders for Chuck Pinzo

Pinzo's Penance 2/6: While some versions of me are stunning combatants, I'm not as talented at battle. I'd like to do some good in Trove, but unfortunately most of the tasks required to help involve battle. Fortunately for me, what I lack in ability I can make up for in wealth! Please go fight the Shadow Gobbler invaders and help me repair my reputation. Invaders can be found periodically in any Adventure world in Trove.

Complete Friendsgiving Dailies

Pinzo's Penance 3/6: Wonderful job Trovian. With the invaders pushed back we must turn our attention to the Qubeslys of Trove. They don't like me, though I can't figure out why. Maybe if you help them out in my name, and maybe speak well of me while doing so, they might change their minds? The Qubeslys are hanging out by the Delver's Guild Hall, head over there and complete some of their Dailies and maybe they'll appreciate the effort.

Complete a Delve for Chuck Pinzo

Pinzo's Penance 4/6: These Shadow Gobblers are so relentless, they'd be wonderful business partners if they weren't so mean. Try hopping into a delve and defeating a Turkeytopia delve for me. You can get into the delve by crafting a Delve Gateway: Turkeytopia or a Delve Gateway: Trotting Turkey at the Turkeytopia Table. You can find them at the Crafter's Corner or in Chefsly's kitchen.

Throw Confetti for Chuck Pinzo

Pinzo's Penance 5/6: Trovian, you really are something. I'm still getting angry looks and side glances, but at least the muttering has stopped! I think if you spruce up the Hub a bit, maybe with some confetti, they'll at least finally let me out of this pen and give me a seat at the table!

Grab a Bite of Pinzham, at your own peril.