RISING TIDE 11/13: Your efforts are appreciated. Now, we need to stop this issue at its source. That's right, it's time to defeat the DEEP KRAKEN. It lives in the deepest Depths of the Delves. Reports say the Herald of the Deep Kraken is somehow linked to obtaining a Depth Stepper, but I don't have any information beyond that!

Obtain a Depth Stepper for the DEEP KRAKEN

RISING TIDE 12/13: Place and use the Depth Stepper: Deep Kraken, then enter the Delve and make your way to the Deep Kraken... and destroy it.

Defeat the DEEP KRAKEN

RISING TIDE 13/13: Amazing! It was that easy for you?! Please, return to the LONG SHADE and find my ship so I can give you your reward!

Return to Saltwater Sam in the LONG SHADE

A FRANTASTIC PLAN 1/5: Fran's work continues, she'll want to update you as soon as you're free to chat with her.


A FRANTASTIC PLAN 2/5: Despite your defeat of the Deep Kraken, the underlying causes for the invasion are unsolved. It turns out that for years, Trovians have over-fished water creatures across Trove, leaving the denizens of the Depths dangerously under-fed. While I don't think there's anything I could say to Mark to get him to put down his pole, you and I can still make a difference... But we'll need some Lichenstone to get started!
