Day 96\n\nI was relaxing after a delicious meal of Carmintine Crab last night, when a real surprise happened.\n\nI heard noises down the server racks! These things power all the computations in Neon City, so the fans blow pretty loud and it's easy for someone to sneak up. There has been no one down here with me for months now.\n\nThe newcomer appears to be a pirate parrot. He seems pretty angry. But not just tempermental… that's fine of course… but somehow… evil. I will spy on him and not reveal myself.
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Day 127\n\nThe parrot is none other than the Dread Saltwater Sam! I heard about him… he was everywhere at once with his swashbucklers. Has he quit the world as well? I thought he settled down in the Hub to run a small business. He's working on some sort of fool technology to clone himself. Good luck with that. If THAT exploit succeeds I will quit for sure. \n\nHe is hungry. Should I teach him how to plasma fish? If I do, then a clone army might actually catch Avarem. Then I could get answers to why things up there changed. \n\nHmm. Maybe I should.
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Day 235\n\nI'm so generous. I gently loot collected my lone plasma fishing rod into two pieces and hid half in the Dread Saltwater Sam's camp. OK, it was actually a fit of rage and I smashed the thing in half, but it turned out pretty well, considering. \n\nHe still does not know that I am here. But I know about him. And I think his clone army scheme is going to work. With any luck, they will be able to clone the half-rod and feed themselves, growing a strong army that will take over the world! I mean, it can't get more ruined than it already is.
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Day 864\n\nThis is an outrage! \n\nThe clone army, bellies full with MY plasma fish, are now marching up to… to… I can't believe it. I overheard that they were going to… and this is exactly what I heard…' Make over the Fae for Rest'. A makeover? Instead of a world takeover? I'm so angry right now. Why do the Fae need a rest so badly anyways? They should be outraged like me, not resting! \n\nThat's it. I am so finished with this place. And this diary continues to lose pages – what's the point? No one will ever read this anyways. I'm finished! And I'm taking my plasma fishing secrets with me! \n\n-Kevin.
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An organic thread of peerless strength and beauty.
Shimmering Sunsilk