Rising Tides
Geode Topside World
Geode Topside (Uber-9) World
Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 12 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.
Press [HK:Loot] to enter this Difficulty 13 Adventure World, where Sunseekers continue the fight against the forces of Shadow who have taken over Geode's surface.\n\nClear Dungeons for a chance to earn Crystal gear. Defeat bosses for Cosmic Gem Boxes.
Hi Trovian, I'm Gemsly, Qubesly's cousin! Gems are my love and my curse and I would be honored if you let me teach you about them.
You can find Gem Boxes by completing dungeons in any Uber difficulty or higher Adventure world. Go find a few so I can teach you a bit about how Gems work.
寶石專技任務 1/45:現在你已經冒險了這麼久,是時候開始尋找寶石箱了,在Uber 1以上的任何世界完成副本獲得寶石箱,去幫我收集一些箱子所以我可以教你寶石運作的方式,Uber 1的進入門檻是PR 250
Head to the Drowned worlds for your next mission. Open the Atlas with [HK:Atlas]. Drowned worlds can be found off of the Candorian (Shade (5) difficulty) world.
You can enter a world as soon as you reach the required power rank, so make sure to equip your gems! You will earn more adventure experience if you are within the suggested level range for the world.
寶石專技任務 12/45:前往水世界(Drowned World)完成下個任務,按[HK:Atlas]開啟世界地圖,水世界可以在糖果朵拉(Candoria,Uber 2難度)的分支找到
Now we are getting somewhere. I want you to go pick up some water gem boxes to earn dust to upgrade those gems!
Water gem boxes can be earned by defeating mini bosses and dungeons in Drowned worlds. Start by opening the Atlas with [HK:Atlas]. Drowned worlds can be found off of the Candorian (Shade (5) difficulty) world.You can get around Drowned worlds faster using a boat.
寶石專技任務 13/45:總算是有點進度了,我需要你收集一些水寶石箱來獲得寶石粉末,讓你升級那些寶石!水寶石箱可以透過擊敗水世界的小王、副本、大型副本來獲得,按[HK:Atlas]開啟世界地圖,水世界可以在糖果朵拉(Candoria,Uber 2難度)的分支找到,在水世界可以開船快速旅行
Pick up some air gem boxes to get dust to upgrade that new gem.
You can find air gem boxes in the Cursed Skylands worlds, which can be found off of the Jurassic Jungle (Twilight (7) difficulty) world in the Atlas. If you aren't strong enough for the Cursed Skylands make sure you have equipped and powered up your gems. If you are still having trouble try getting better equipment or playing with friends.
寶石專技任務 16/45:找到一些天空寶石箱獲得粉末來升級剛剛得到的寶石,你可以在詛咒空島(Cursed Skylands)世界找到天空寶石箱,詛咒空島在地圖上的Uber-4 侏羅紀叢林(Jurassic Jungle)旁邊,如果還沒達到進入世界的門檻,確定你已經裝備並強化你的寶石,假設還是有困難的話,試著獲得更好的裝備或是和朋友一起玩,如果你有朋友的話(小聲
Now that you have a stellar gem, you're going to want to find more gems and dust to ensure your gem is the best it can be.
You can find fire gem boxes in the Igneous Island worlds, which can be found off of the Forbidden Spires (Nightfall (9) difficulty) world in the Atlas.
寶石專技任務 31/45:現在你有一顆恆星寶石了,接下來你需要獲取更多的寶石及寶石粉末來確保可以將寶石強化到最佳狀態,你可以在 Igneous Island [岩漿島嶼] 世界獲取寶石箱,岩漿島嶼就在世界地圖上的 Forbidden Spires [禁忌尖塔] 支線旁
Take on Moonless Dark (10) difficulty (or above)
前往 Uber-7世界(或更高)
You are starting to seem pretty strong. Go clear out some more Dungeons for me in Moonless Dark (10) difficulty or harder worlds to prove yourself worthy of my dust.
寶石專技任務 35/45:你漸漸地變得強大了,去 Uber-7或更高的世界完成一些副本來證明你值得我的寶石粉末吧