Fees and Felines
Make Anything at the Sunfest Oven
Sunfest 6/8: I put all kinds of fun recipes into the Sunfest Oven, make whatever suits your fancy!
Craft any recipe found on the Sunfest Oven in the Events area of the Hub.
Complete a Sunfest Delve
Sunfest 7/8: What are you doing Trovian? This is no time to play, the Delves are still infested with that Pinzo buffoon. Get in there and defeat him or any other rapscallion that refuses to bend to the call of the Dragon Houses.
Complete any of the Fluxtuating Fissures delves. Gateways can be purchased from any of the Quartermasters in the Events area of the Hub.
Complete a Sunfest Daily
Sunfest 8/8: Well done Trovian. Don't dawdle though, there's still plenty to be done. Each of the Dragon Houses have placed a representative outside our houses with tasks that need doing. Get to work!
Complete dailys found at representatives in the Events are of the Hub.
Jamband Pineapamancer
A costume for the Tomb Raiser.
The jams don't stop just because you're dead.
Recovered Pack
Recover a pack of assorted goodies! Includes 3 Greater Dragon Caches, 3 Chaoss Chests, 3 Super Style Unlockers, and 3 Master Angler's Fishing Nets.
Acquire all 3 recycling packs to unlock the Tired Traveler boat!