Delves PC - Hotfix 11
Talk to Saltwater Sam in the Hub
Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 1/7: Trovian, help! The citizens of the Treasure Isles are angry, REALLY angry! I am hearing fractured reports, and I think it has something to do with Treasure showing up in the Neon City. Go talk to Saltwater Sam in the hub and see if you can't get to the bottom of this.
Complete a Treasure Isles Adventure
Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 2/7: Ok, so it sounds like the Pirates are upset because treasure is their domain and they don't want the Neon Ninjas stealing their schtick. I think a little bit of community service would go a long way to help the Pirates feel better. Head out to the Treasure Isles and pick up an adventure to help smooth things over.
Talk the Resistors in the Neon City
Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 3/7: The Pirates seem a bit calmer now, but I'm still not entirely sure what is happening. Try talking to the members of the resistance on outposts in the Neon City to see what they have to say about all this.
Donate in the Neon City
Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 4/7: Well, at least we know the Resistors are upset too. I bet you could help calm folks down with a donation! Find a donation station and give freely to help smooth things over.
Find a Treasure Chest in the Neon City
Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 5/7: I have a better feel for what is happening. The Pirates are upset because Treasure is their whole thing, and the Ninjas are mad that the Pirates are all up in their electric grill. See if you can locate one of these treasures we have heard so much about. X marks the spot, Trovian, so look for a block with an X on it to see what you can find out.