Into the Deep
Luxion is Missing! 1/8: Trovian, it's me, Qubesly. Something has happened to Luxion. I mean, I assume something has happened to Luxion because he's supposed to be here and he's not! Maybe the Flux Treasures he sometime collects have a clue to his location.\n\nFlux Relics, Flux Artifacts, and Flux Crystals have a chance to drop from any Adventure world Dungeon or boss.
Luxion is Missing! 3/8: As you may have guessed, Luxion loves gold, or anything the color of gold at least. Maybe the Golden Scarabs of Medieval Highlands know what happened to him.\n\nGolden Scarabs can be found as Dungeon bosses in Medieval Highlands biomes.
Absolute D'hevistation 8/8: Ahhh, hello there, Trovian. Do not be alarmed by my appearence. You've done well by my comrades and I'm wondering if you can help with one final task. I consider myself an accomplished hunter of Shadows and their ilk, but one has alluded me of late - the Dark Fae Queen. She hides like a coward behind the members of her court. If you will assist me in dispatching her, I have a very special prize for you.\n\nAtomic Wraith has asked you to help him dispatch a Dark Fae Queen who has formed an alliance with the Shadows. They can be found as bosses in the Fae Forest biome.
Complete Pumpkin Dungeons
Shadow's Eve 2018 2/8: Pumpkin Dungeons have risen across the landscape of Trove once more. Let's go check them out! \n\nPumpkin Dungeons can be found randomly in any biome.
Shadow's Eve 2018 4/8: Candy Corn: love it or hate it? No matter how you feel about those colorful little candies, they're definitely worth collecting at this time of year. Let's go get some! \n\nCandy Corn can be aquired from completing Pumpkin Dungeons. (Cannot be acquired via Trading Post or the Marketplace)
Shadow's Eve 2018 8/8: Have you ever seen a Dracolich? They reside in the Permafrost biome and horde their treasure below the ice. It is said that dispatching a Dracolich during Shadow's Eve will assure a Merry Snowfest down the road. Will you help end this celebration with a bang, Trovian?\n\nDracolichs can be found as Dungeon bosses in any Permafrost biome.
Remembrance of Reng 3/7: The Cardinal Spirits are the Sun Goddess's representatives and protectors of the Reng Empire. You may be familiar with one of them already - Onbari, Empress of the Southern Skies.\n\nJade Scarabs can be found as one star dungeon bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes.
Remembrance of Reng 4/7: Onbari is the bright flame of the South. Her aspects of fidelity and loyalty connected the citizens of the empire in a way unparalelled in its time. They say those who possess a loyal heart can still find her Fiery Feathers in the hidden places of Forbidden Spires.\n\nFox Phantoms can be found as one star dungeon bosses and open world monsters in Forbidden Spires biomes.
Remembrance of Reng 5/7: But nothing can last forever, and with the coming of Q'bthulhu, even the Cardinal Spirits were unable to protect the empire from the Shadows' corruption. All we could do was try to save as much of our home and its memory as we could.\n\nGather Forbidden Spires Recipes and Advanced Recipes from Recipe Dungeons in any Forbidden Spires biome. Items acquired via a Trading Post or the Marketplace will not count.