Going Green

Donate to the Defense Effort

Sunfest 2019 5/8: Thank you for your assistance. While you can spend your House Coins with our Purveyor to buy new goodies for yourself, the House would really appreciate it if you donated your coins back to our treasury at the Donation Station. Qubesly said that sometimes Pinatas show up for donors, so donate early and donate often!
太陽祭 2019 5/8:真的太感謝你的協助了!你可以用硬幣向我們的商人購買最新最好的商品,若你決定直接將硬幣捐回給我們的金庫,我們將感謝你幫助我們脫離又老又窮的窘境。庫伯斯利說有時候捐獻者會獲得皮那塔,所以儘早捐噢!

Defeat Pinatas

Sunfest 2019 6/8: There is a Pinata now, knock it out to earn some special Sunfest rewards! Remember, each donation has a chance to cause a Pinata to appear and helps us rebuild the Sun Goddess Statue.
太陽祭 2019 6/8:那裏有皮納塔,將其擊敗來獲得特殊的太陽祭獎勵!記住,每枚捐獻都有機會召喚皮納塔協助我們修復太陽女神雕像

Combat the Mysterious Portal

Sunfest 2019 7/8: Recently, every few hours, a mysterious portal has appeared. Please venture through the next portal to see what adventures it holds. While you are there, make sure you rescue any friends you may find and defeat any lingering evil.
太陽祭 2019 7/8:最近每隔幾個小時,有道神祕的傳送門會出現,請穿過傳送門去看看那個世界有著什麼樣的冒險,你在那裏的時候,確保你救起任何遇到的夥伴們並擊退附近閒晃的邪惡敵人

Retrieve your Permanent House Banner

Sunfest 2019 8/8: Trovian, You have proven yourself a loyal and dedicated member of our house. Our Purveyor would be honored to trade you a permanent house banner for the Chin Hairs you retrieved. Once you have your permanent banner, I would be privileged to provide you a mount to show the banner off on.
太陽祭 2019 8/8:你已證明了你是我們陣營忠誠、專職的成員,我們的承包商很榮幸能夠與你交易一面永久的陣營旗幟,當你獲取了你的永久旗幟,我會被賦予特權,提供你能夠炫耀旗幟的坐騎

Carysian Ducats Donated
已捐獻 Carysian Ducats [卡利西恩‧達卡硬幣]

Panatean Ante Donated
已捐獻 Panatean Ante [巴拿提安‧安提硬幣]