Bomber Royale - Season 2
Complete Club Adventures
Splendid Summer 3/6: Showing off and being proud shouldn't be about fighting though. It should be about you. Make other Trovians proud too by helping them out. Complete Club Adventures to give back to your community.
璀璨夏季 3/6:炫耀和有自信並不總是與鬥爭劃上等號,那應該要與你有關,幫助其他的Trove星人恢復自信\n\n完成俱樂部冒險任務來回饋你的社群
Complete Outpost Adventures
Splendid Summer 4/6: Trove is looking great but I've heard there are others in need of assistance. Go help some Kami in Luminopolis or Geodians on Geode. It's time to celebrate!
璀璨夏季 4/6:Trove看起來棒極了!但我聽說還有些人需要協助\n\n前去霓虹城市的 Luminopolis [路米諾波利斯] 生態地行協助神祇,或是協助 Geodian [桔歐德星人],是時候好好慶祝了!
Improve your Gems
Splendid Summer 5/6: It's time to treat yourself to some upgrades and be proud of what you have accomplished. Upgrade your gems and show them off.
Any attempts to upgrade your gems will count, even if they do not succeed.
璀璨夏季 5/6:是時候升級好犒賞自己了,同時也為你所成就的一切為榮。升級你的寶石並向其他人炫耀\n\n任何形式的升級都算,即使沒有成功
Complete 5 Star Dungeons
Splendid Summer 6/6: I'm proud of how far you've come. Gather some friends and help me back on Geode, Trovian. Take out some 5 star dungeons and help bring back the light. Happy Splendid Summer!
璀璨夏季 6/6:你堅持了這麼久,我真以你為傲,集結你的朋友並到 Geode [桔歐德星] 協助我\n\n完成一些5星副本並幫忙光明重新照耀,燦爛夏季快樂!
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