Defeat Savicious

Defeat the Crimsin Crow

Defeat Q'berus

Defeat the Shadebound Crook

Defeat the Werewolf Huntmaster

Paragon Levels 3/6: Using Trovian Loops, Primal Loops, other materials, and a Ringcrafting skill of 300, you can now craft a Signatory ringbox for a Crystal ring! Craft one by visiting a Ringcrafting bench, such as the one in the Paragon's Palace below the Club House

Craft a SIGNATORY Ringbox

Paragon Levels 1/6: After reaching level 30 with a class, experience gained no longer contributes towards normal levels. Instead, you'll get Paragon levels! Earn a Paragon level now!

Earn a Paragon Level

Paragon Levels 2/6: Each Prime Paragon Level (2, 3, 5, 7, and so on) will earn you a PRIMAL loop for your current class, used to craft rings with class hidden ability effects! Earn a Prime Paragon Level now!