Build a Lunar Altar
Shadow's Eve 9/9: Your work has attracted more moon acolytes to the hub. Help them out each day to restore the Moon Goddess and help her in her journey back to Trove.
Help other Moon Acolytes
Plunder Pals 2019 1/7: Ahoy Trovian, it's me, Saltwater Sam! It's time to take on the pirates of the Treasure Isles as Plunder Pals has begun. If you prove yourself a loyal crew member there will be loot for you too!
Defeat Treasure Isle Dungeons
Plunder Pals 2019 2/7: Yar Har! Now that you have shown those pirates the business you should gather up seashells for me. I love hunting seashell buoys in the Treasure Isles.
Gather Golden Seashells
Plunder Pals 2019 3/7: I like the cut of your jib, Trovian. I can never get enough Flux and those pirrats are trouble. Take down dungeons in any world for a chance to find Flux Treasures.
Find Flux Treasures
Plunder Pals 2019 4/7: Aye, thank you Trovian. People call pirates greedy, but I just want to see you succeed. There's no better way to succeed than by raising dragons! Gather Dragon Coins by completing hourly challenges.