Earn 20% more Adventurine for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
[冒險幣加成20%藥水]\n使用後1小時內獲得之 Adventurine [冒險幣] 20%加成\n\n可在霓虹城市的副生態 Luminopolis [路米諾波利斯] 的 Resistor Workbench [反抗軍工作檯] 製作

+20% Adventurine Potion
+20% Adventurine Potion

Earn 50% more Adventurine for the next hour!\n\nCrafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.
[冒險幣加成50%藥水]\n藥水使用後1小時內獲得之 Adventurine [冒險幣] 50%加成\n\n可在霓虹城市的副生態 Luminopolis [路米諾波利斯] 的 Resistor Workbench [反抗軍工作檯] 製作

+50% Adventurine Potion
+50% Adventurine Potion

Daily Adventure: Complete an Adventure

Daily Adventure: Complete a Challenge
每日冒險任務:完成 1 次整點任務

Daily Adventure: Complete a Dungeon
每日冒險任務:完成 1 個副本

Daily Adventure: Upgrade a Gem
每日冒險任務:升級寶石等級 1 次

Daily Adventure: Gather a Key Fragment
每日冒險任務:獲得任一難度鑰匙碎片 1 個

Daily Adventure: Trigger Magic Find
每日冒險任務:觸發掉寶稀有度 1 次