Shadowy Spotlight
Bunfest Surprise: Howlug
Easily the cutest thing that could blow you bits.
Bunfest Surprise: Luniopolegg
Proof that everything is better with RGB.
Bunfest Surprise: Peaceful Spires
A calming snack in the busy world of the Forbidden Spires.
Snowfestivus 1/10. It's time to celebrate Snowfestivus! Do it right, and I'll help you make a Snowfestivus Log! We start with the Airing of Grievances. Those people upset me greatly. Give them a piece of my mind.
Snowfestivus 2/10. Acceptable. Now it's time for Dinner. Upgrading Gems gives off a great scent, which I use it for my cooking. Spice it up for me.
Snowfestivus 3/10. A fine job. Now, go forth and kill enemies and gather their blockiest bits for the entrail entrée.
Snowfestivus 4/10. Dinner is served! While we eat, its time for the Feats of Strength! Prove you have the muscle to work the Forge!