March 2024

9/11 St. Qubeslick 2025: Good job Trovian. You might notice some Lucksnakes milling around. They crop up on St. Qubeslick and the other Luckbeasts tend to bully them. Sir O'Lucky likes to collect and protect them. If you throw a Lucky Star at them they should trust you enough to collect them.

Send Lucksnakes to the Mini-Pot o' Gold

10/11 St. Qubeslick 2025: Wonderful Trovian, now that you've collected some Lucksnakes you need to get them to Sir O'Lucky. Bring them back to the Event's area of the Hub and use the Mini-Pot o' Gold to send them to Sir O'Lucky. Also if you have any extra Sir O'Lucky's Coins or Luckbeast Haunches you can also send them to Sir O'Lucky as well.

Find Sir O'Lucky

11/11 St. Qubeslick 2025: You're very good at this, Trovian. Did you happen to get a Fragment a Luck? If not you can always send Sir O'Lucky more Sir O'Lucky's Coins and Lucky Snakes. Fragments of Luck are moments in time collected into a single clover. Sir O'Lucky collects them. How do you think he's so lucky? If you can find him in Trove he'd probably happily trade for some of your Fragments of Luck. You'll need the O'Lucky buff from crafting at a Pot o' Gold. Once you have that you'll have to find him. He loves gatherings, so check the Unity Shrines, that's a solid, or maybe lucky, bet.

Greet Qubesly in the Bunfest Pavillion

Bunfest 2024 1/13: Trovian! Bunfest is here again and that means our friends have returned! Come greet our Hoppin' friends and me at the pavillion in the hub.

Hunt for Eggs

Bunfest 2024 2/13: Each year Bunfest comes and each year we celebrate. My favorite part is hiding eggs all over Trove. I start hopping with joy whenever I think about Trovians finding the little things. Why don't you go out and find a few? Eggs can be found in the Medieval Highlands, Fae Forests, Candoria, Forbidden Spires and Geode Topside.

Defeat Eggmen