Delves PC - Hotfix 11

Sow a Seed of Joy

Lunar Plunge 4/6: You can hear me! You're a Trovian! Please, child, I must return to Trove so I may wake my sister. Plant a Wishing Tree Sapling in your Cornerstone so I can feel where you are in the universe. You can save me and I can save everything.

Help the Tree Grow

Lunar Plunge 5/6: The tree, protect it. Water it and keep it safe. I am starting to feel you in the universe.

Ride my Steed and Spread my Story

Lunar Plunge 6/6: I know where you are now, Trovian, and I'm on my way. It will take time for me to arrive but you have done so much to help. I will never forget your assistance and you will be exalted in my sister's eyes once she is reawakened.

Talk to Saltwater Sam in the Hub

Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 1/7: Trovian, help! The citizens of the Treasure Isles are angry, REALLY angry! I am hearing fractured reports, and I think it has something to do with Treasure showing up in the Neon City. Go talk to Saltwater Sam in the hub and see if you can't get to the bottom of this.

Complete a Treasure Isles Adventure

Pirate Captains vs Neon Ninjas 2/7: Ok, so it sounds like the Pirates are upset because treasure is their domain and they don't want the Neon Ninjas stealing their schtick. I think a little bit of community service would go a long way to help the Pirates feel better. Head out to the Treasure Isles and pick up an adventure to help smooth things over.