
Depth Stepper

Shadow's Eve 11/11: The source was a being called Q'berus? Interesting. When we return to our temples I shall delve into our libraries and research this being. That said, with the source defeated the curse will burn itself out, and the werewolves will fade with the hour of shadow. You have proven yourself a valued ally of the Order of the Moon. Please take this and use it to craft our banner. Raise it high and help us guide the Moon Goddess back to Trove.

Find Qubesly.

Shadow's Eve Bonus Round: Champion! This is one of craziest years yet. Find me by the Event area of the hub! Press [HK:Loot] to interact with an npc.

Find the Pups in the Hub.

Shadow's Eve Bonus Round: Champion! The wolves have made it into the hub! There are puppies everywhere and they. Are. The. CUTEST! They are so fluffy and have the sweetest eyes and... I can't handle it! But we can't let them tear the hub apart. Once you find them, give them the best of pets and see if you can tame these barky little furballs.

Fantastical Phalanx

This limited time pack unlocks the Onos and Galanos mounts, the Box of Plenty, Danaean Donation, Gorgon's Gaze, and Orbital Ophoid allies, and the Wave Commander, Celestial Courier, and Gamay Grapevineer Costumes. Get them before they turn back in to myth!

Brew Crew

This limited time pack unlocks the Hot Joe and Cold Brewed mounts, the Mocha, Home Brew, GoGo Brew, and Latté allies, and the Cafcannoneer, Cafmeister, and Brew-py Costumes. Get them while they're still hot!

Terrific Treats