Craft a Glashadial Shard
Snowfest 6/7: Alright! Now you can craft the carpet! Plus, now that you know how to craft the shards, I'm getting reports that there are other recipes which can be discovered from the Frosty Treasure Box!
Craft the Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Snowfest 7/7: Nice work, Trovian! Diggsly and the Delver's Guild thank you for your investigation skills! Now equip your Stitched Snowfest Quilt take it out for a spin!
Equip the Stitched Snowfest Quilt
Complete QUBESLY'S questline to participate in the Green Game Jam event quest!
Green Game Jam '23
Green Game Jam 1/6
Trovian! The Royal denizens of Fae Forest are all salty about TRASH showing up in their dungeons! We need to study it! Go collect some SALTY TRASH from DUNGEONS in the FAE FOREST biome!
Fae Forest Dungeon
Green Game Jam 2/6
Wow, this trash IS salty! It's no wonder the Bin Chicken Commission is in town! Find and interact [HK:Loot] with one of their RECYCLIC RECOMBOBULATORS at one of their their FOUNTAINS in FAE FOREST biome. They show up as Adventure Outposts on the map [HK:Map]!