Solar Offensive 9/9: Trovian, the battle rages on, and will continue until Q’bthulhu is defeated. We will continue to fight until the council disbands. The Elysian Offensive isn’t about Trove or Geode, or even the Shadow.
Take this fragment of Elsphodel’s power and craft Banner of The Elysian Offensive. We only have so many lunar drops left, but you are a true champion of Elysia, so let all of Trove know it.
Craft the Elysian Rally at the RADIANT DAYSPRING.
Reach 50 Mastery
Reach 50 Mastery to unlock access the Fluxion merchant.
Interact with Fluxion
Greetings all Trovians, Luxion has given me the task of asking all of you what you'd like access to from their hoard. I'll be with my voting box near Luxion's Landing in the hub on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Stop on by and you can either vote on what I bring the next week or purchase the winning items.I'd love to meet you all so please stop on by to say hello.
Vote on an Offering
Hello Trovian. My name is Fluxion and I represent Luxion's interests in distributing portions of their hoard in trade for Dragon Coins. To ensure that both parties are happy I have devised an ingenious method of selecting what offerings I make available.
Each week on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I will appear in the hub in this very location. I will either accept your votes for the offerings you wish to see me sell for flux or I will happily sell you the winning items from the previous vote for Dragon Coins. You get your offering, Luxion gets their Dragon Coins, and I get flux, everyone wins!
Voting really is fun, you should try it. If I'm not accepting votes when you stop by don't worry, I will be in just seven days.
Earn Dragon Coins
Perfect, isn't voting fun? A very important question you might have is 'What happens when the thing I voted for doesn't win?' Well I've accounted for that in my genious design! Any votes you have made toward an offering will automatically be applied the next time you log in if it's up for vote again. No vote is ever wasted!
Now that you've voted you'll need to get some Dragon Coins so you can buy the offering when it becomes available later. You can gain Dragon Coins by participating in the hourly challenges or through the Store.
Interact with Fluxion