
Crafting Material. A primordial shard used to craft items of immense power, including Primordial Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.\n\nObtained daily from filling the Star Bar and from opening Diamond Dragonite Pouches.

Diamond Dragonite

A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.

A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.

A net capable of catching many fish all at once. Captures 5 fish when thrown into any pool or fishable liquid. Requires an active Lure.

Master Angler's Fishing Net

Only the deepest of Delves have the right environments for the formation of this splendid snack. Usually found in Heavy Pressurized Chests.

Freerange Electrolytic Crystals

Usually contains crafting materials for the GEARCRAFTING Profession. Rarely contains Equipment based on your CURRENT CLASS, POWER RANK, and GEARCRAFTING SKILL.

Gearcrafter's Vault