Empowered Water Gem for the Pirate Captain. Two First Mate cannons double your firepower. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Empowered Water Gem for the Shadow Hunter. Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Shadow Blitz
Empowered Water Gem for any class. Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Cubic Curtain
Empowered Water Gem for the Solarion. Prismatic blast will now pulse around the Phoenix as well as the Solarion, allowing the Solarion to maintain range while attacking, and deal AOE damage around their Phoenix. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Prismatic Link
Empowered Water Gem for the Solarion. Prismatic blast will now pulse around the Phoenix as well as the Solarion, allowing the Solarion to maintain range while attacking, and deal AOE damage around their Phoenix. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Prismatic Link