Empowered Water Gem for the Ice Sage. Basic Attacks now freeze enemies for 1 second on the first hit, in addition to their existing chill. Hitting enemies three times in a row with Basic Attacks causes them to explode, taking additional damage.\n\nOnly one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Pain Freeze
Empowered Water Gem for any class. Increases the shot speed of any projectile. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Volatile Velocity
Empowered Water Gem for the Knight. Charge no longer propels you forward. Instead, a Spirit Squire charges forward through multiple enemies, dealing damage and stunning them. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Spirit Squire
Empowered Water Gem for the Lunar Lancer. Basic attacks have a chance to spawn a dark shadow version of you that attacks enemies. In Lunarform the chance is increased. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Shadow Lancer
Empowered Water Gem for the Neon Ninja. Thrown shuriken are larger and have a wider effect area, pierce enemies, and apply the Stasis Blade effect. Three ring shuriken deal additional damage and bonus critical damage. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.
Heuristic Haxstar