6/12: Now that you have proven you can provide me with Astral Echoes, I would like you to come back and visit me in the hub for your next lesson.
Press [HK:Loot] to interact.
Talk to the Celestial
7/12: Another important item for your growth through the Star Chart is the Celestial Key. Once again, I fortunately have some in stock, but not many. If you want more, you will have to find an entity even greater than myself that can provide them.
Buy a Constellation Key from the Celestial or from the Store.
Get a Celestial Key
8/12: Truly excellent. The power of the Constellations will be yours before too long. With the Constellation Key in hand, visit the Grand Orrery for your next step.
Interact with the Grand Orrery
9/12: You may have noticed that beyond the Minor Stars are Major Stars, which hold even more power and can even grant fragments of a dragon's egg. Now, unlock a Major Star, although once again the decision of which to unlock is yours.
While viewing the Star Chart, select a Major Star further beyond the starting point. Use Constellation Keys to unlock it to obtain further power from the Constellations.
Unlock a Major Star
10/12: If you find yourself regretting the path you've charted thus far, fret not. With a Constellation Key, you can reset your Star Chart, returning the Celestial Spheres to you. For now, reset your Star Chart to demonstrate to me you know how.
With a Constellation Key, reset the Star Chart by selecting the starting yellow Star.
Reset the Star Chart