Placeable in Club Worlds only. Ever wanted to live inside a mushroom? Well now you can! <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Shroom House

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This flower would win any Gardening competition with flying colors. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Decorative Yellow Flower

Placeable in Club Worlds only. Dedicated gardeners don't let a little foul weather impede their growing efforts. Placeable in Club Worlds only. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Grower's Greenhouse

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. An architectural crossroads built in a long-lost style. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Classic Four-Way Corridor

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. This freakishly humongous egg appears to be dormant, and even Gabbro has no idea how to incubate it or what may hatch from it. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Enormous Egg Showcase