Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Plasmatron Power Station

Placeable in Cornerstones and Club Worlds. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Drakama Terminal

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Bracketo Headquarters

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the Luminopolis building. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Bracketo Base

Placeable in Club Worlds only. A life-sized replica of the headquarters of the Amperium in Luminopolis. <font color='#ff3030'>Warning:</font> Frameworks destroy all blocks they intersect with and these blocks are not returned. Frameworks cannot be picked up again once placed.

Wattaro Complex