Etaew Aallyn

Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains great treasure.

Used to craft rare chaotic collectibles at the Chaos Core Crafter. Acquire from Chaos Chests and by Loot Collecting Chaos Chests rewards.

Chaos Core

Some glowy flappy thing is inside, if you dare to look.

Some glowy flappy thing is inside, if you dare to look.

A sealed relic case containing one of the rare Amperium relic decoration pieces.

Amperium Relic Case

Awards conquest loot. Has a chance to award the rare Amperium Relic Case!

Conquest Spoils

This core in the hands of the Shaper could be morphed into an energy source powerful enough to act as the heart of an Ancient. Obtained daily by completing 5 Star Dungeons within the time limit and from opening Geodian Topside Caches. Obtained from the Weekly Class Power Rank Leaderboards and from Events.