Use this to call forth a proxy of C455-Andra.\n\nOnly works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.\n\nMassive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
C455-Andra Beacon
Immediately calls forth a Titantic Tentakiller to the summoner's locationand grants them a Sentience Shard.
Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Summon Titantic Tentakiller
Use this to call forth a Titantic Tentakiller.\n\nOnly works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.\n\nMassive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Tentakiller Beacon
Immediately calls forth a Trojan Propagator to the summoner's locationand grants them a Sentience Shard.
Massive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Summon Trojan Propagator
Use this to call forth a Trojan Propagator.\n\nOnly works in club worlds. Crafted at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.\n\nMassive World Bosses despawn after 15 minutes.
Trojan Beacon