
The Trouble with Titles

Ridiculously radical raddishes and resplendently refreshing!

You can taste the moon in every bite!

You can't spike punch if it's frozen solid.

Chow fit for, well, bugs. But you can eat it too.

Trovian Bouillon, Friendsgiving Coins, and Plumed Chests, I've got 'em all! Press [HK:Loot] to interact

Trovian Bouillon

Randomly contains one of 4 tradable Tysorion collectables: Tysorion's Throne, Tygrif, Tysorion Pup, and rarely a Tysplation.

Shadow's Eve Daily Adventure: They're spooking up everywhere, from the Permafrost to the Dragonfire Peaks and everywhere in between on Trove. Go find some of these Pumpkin Dungeons and scare them off! Make sure to clear out some of those Pumpkin Patches too!

The Q'rse of the Wolves' Den can corrupt anything. Used to craft Q'rsed Crates and other collectables during the Shadow's Eve 2022 Event.

Those that suffer the Q'rse of Shadow's Eve know little reprieve, but no shadow is cast that cannot be dispelled by the light of Elsphodel.