
Going Green

Crafting Material.\n\nCreated at the Ringcrafting Bench.

Crafting Material.\n\nCreated at the Ringcrafting Bench.

Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.\n\nAcquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).

Used to craft special items and mounts at the Radiant Dayspring.\n\nPreviousy earned by logging into Trove each day, these coins may not last forever.

Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.\n\nAcquire by doing challenges or from the Goods tab in the store.

Crafting Material used to forge Radiant equipment.\n\nCraftable at the Dragon Crucible.

Crafting Material.\n\nUsually found growing in the Fae Forest, Medieval Highlands, or Cursed Vale biomes, but also obtainable through Gardening.

Forging Material.\n\nFound rarely as a drop from invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.

Crafting Material.\n\nDrops from Fae enemies, most commonly found in the Fae Wilds.

Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Ash Piles, which are craftable at the Gardening Bench.