
Wow! You really have your own companion? Gabbro says it takes a LOT for cave creatures to trust you. I'm almost jealous.\n\nGabbro told me that these creatures help you out as you explore. You can even level them up at the Companion Trainer if you have Bond Crystallizer!\n\nYou should bring this Howlug with you into the caves and see what it can do.

Bring Howlug into the Caves

Your howlug looks happy to be with you! Hehe. I can understand why.\n\nFeel free to explore as you like.\n\nOnce you get enough resources for your next GAS upgrade, you'll be able to go into Tier 3! That's further than I've ever gone. I'm impressed!\n\nOne more thing, while I've still got you: Thank you for coming to Geode. I was skeptical when Rowan told us that you might be able to save us. But after meeting you... I've never been so happy to be wrong.\n\nGather materials to upgrade your GAS to explore Tier 3 and beyond.

Upgrade Your GAS