March 31 Hotfix

Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons and finding hidden eggs during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

High Quality Bunfest Chocolate 2020

Can be used at the Bunfest Station in Crafter's Corner of the Trove Hub to craft Bunfest collections during and shortly after Bunfest 2020. Earned by defeating Egg Dungeons during the Bunfest 2020 event, this chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

Cleansed Bunfest Chocolate

Sickly Sweet.\n\nLeftover Chocolate will disappear shortly after the end of Bunfest 2020.

Bunny Treasure Box

Mount: Hopsy

This is a tradable mount.

Recipe Stash: Bunfest '20

Unlock a random Bunfest 2020 recipe you don't already have unlocked.