Going Green
Crafting Material. Used to craft things at the Resistor Workbench in Neon City, Luminopolis.\n\nFound by defeating robotic enemies in Neon City and Neon City, Luminopolis.
Simple band of Formicite.\n\nCrafted at the Ringcrafting Bench.
Crafting Material.\n\nObtained by Loot Collecting rare fish.
Crafting Material.\n\nObtained by Loot Collecting Enchanted fish.
Crafting Material.\n\nFound most often in the Treasure Isles.
Rare Crafting Material.\n\nFound in Shadow Caches, which can be bought for Shadow Shards in the Shadowy Market.
Crafting Material.\n\nHarvested from Spring Bloom Seeds which can be crafted at the Gardening Bench.
Forging Material.\n\nFound by defeating invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.
Forging Material. Used to reduce the level requirement of equipment at the Enchanted Forge.\n\nCan be purchased in the Trove Store.
Trading Material. Exchange for items from the pirates of Treasure Isles.\n\nObtained by Loot Collecting fish and breaking plants in the world.