Hidden deep within Geode, this box contains great treasure.

Open for a guaranteed rare item from the normal chaos chest.

Golden Chaos Chest

Open for crafting materials, Chaos Cores, and rare collectibles.\n\nThe featured rare collectibles change weekly.

Chaos Chest

Open for crafting materials and rarely a Super Mount Stash! Crafting materials can be found in Inventory/Crafting (the third side-tab).\n\nChaos Chests drop occasionally in the world and are sold in the Store. They can contain chaos cores and rare collectibles, which change weekly.

Starter Chaos Chest

A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely dark pegasus wings, and very rarely a dark pegasus. Also has a chance to award Dormant Darkshield Dragon Egg Fragments.

Dark Chaos Vault

A charged chaos chest which will grant past chaos chest rewards uncommonly, rarely light pegasus wings, and very rarely a light pegasus. Also has a chance to award Dormant Lightspear Dragon Egg Fragments.