Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Mystical Heckbug. Found rarely when exploring or assiting wild Heckbugs in the Moonglow Grotto during the Heckbugs In Love event.

Heckbug Egg

Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Hoppet.\n\nFound rarely when assiting wild Hoppets in Moonglow Grotto.

Tame Hoppet Egg

Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Howlug.\n\nFound rarely when assiting wild Howlugs in Geode Caves.

Tame Howlug Egg

Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Jelotl.\n\nFound rarely when assiting wild Jelotls in the Sunken Sunvault.

Tame Jelotl Egg

Hatches into a common, uncommon, or rare Qubrik.\n\nFound rarely when assiting wild Qubriks in Verdant Veins.

Tame Qubrik Egg