Bomber Royale Season 3

Splendid Summer 7/7: This month is about loving yourself and encouraging others that your true self is the best you can be. Share the love, encourage others, and have fun Trovians!

Meet Chuck Pinzo

Sunfest 1/11 : Attention Trovians. I won't mince words, Trove is about to change forever. If you want to get in on the ground floor of the next big thing in Trove, meet me by the Events Area in the hub where I'll be waiting with pizza. Pizza is first come first served, so I'd hurry! Press [HK:Loot] to interact.

Craft the Chuck Pinzo Mining Banner.

Sunfest 2/11 : Hello Trovian I have a ground breaking opportunity for you, and there's not a moment to lose. I've partnered with Houses Carys, Tysorion, and Panatea to bring you the next big thing in Trove, the Trovian Finite Note! What makes it so special? It's finite! That means it'll hold value long after the time of Sunfest has come and gone, that's a Chuck Pinzo guarantee! The first thing that you'll need to get started is the permission of all the houses. Go to each Quartermaster and purchase one of their unique TFN Mining Cards. Then use my Pinzo Printer to print one of my illustrious Chuck Pinzo Mining Banners.

Find some Pinzoins

Sunfest 3/11 : Wonderful! It took so long for me to get the houses on board with this, I'm just so giddy! Let us get down to business. Houses Carys, Panatea, Tysorion, and I have partnered to bring to Trove two brand new currencies. First is the Pinzoin, trademark pending, which can be ''mined'' by mining any ore in Trove while wearing that banner. Get it? Haha, I crack myself up, but seriously, during focus testing there were some that were unhappy with that method, so you can also find them after defeating enemies in Trove or in the Delves. I'll cover the other new currency once you get enough Pinzoins.

Print a Trovian Finite Note

Sunfest 4/11 : Wow, that was fast! I barely had time to get my presentation ready! Well, we can skip that for now. Over at my Pinzo Printer you might have noticed that there was more than that banner available to you earlier. The important thing now is the Trovian Finite Note, so how about you head over and print one.

Purchase Anything from a Quartermaster