Defeat the Shadebound Crook

Defeat the Werewolf Huntmaster

Paragon Levels 3/6: Using Trovian Loops, Primal Loops, other materials, and a Ringcrafting skill of 300, you can now craft a Signatory ringbox for a Crystal ring! Craft one by visiting a Ringcrafting bench, such as the one in the Paragon's Palace below the Club House

Craft a SIGNATORY Ringbox

Paragon Levels 1/6: After reaching level 30 with a class, experience gained no longer contributes towards normal levels. Instead, you'll get Paragon levels! Earn a Paragon level now!

Earn a Paragon Level

Paragon Levels 2/6: Each Prime Paragon Level (2, 3, 5, 7, and so on) will earn you a PRIMAL loop for your current class, used to craft rings with class hidden ability effects! Earn a Prime Paragon Level now!

Earn a PRIME Paragon Level

Paragon Levels 5/6: Great work! By earning Paragon levels and crafting rings, you can enhance many different class abilities! If you're ever running low on Loops, the Celestial Paragon Provisioner provides resources to help. Visit them now at the Paragon's Palace.

Visit the Paragon Provisioner