Rising Tides - Hotfix #5
Only Sundered Uplands citizens loyal to the Ashen Wastes are allowed to craft and equip this banner. Or anybody Ashen Wastes delegates happen to like...
Tainted Lunar Drop
Scrounged and kept by invading Chaos Wolves in CURSED VALE and SHORES of the EVERDARK.\n\nWarning: Clean before use!
Lunar Drop
Cleansed in the Moonlight Fountain in the Hub, and ready to help the cause!\n\nUsed to craft various Lunar Plunge recipes.
Donate cleansed Lunar Drop
Donate un-needed Lunar Drops to the cause, with gratitude from High Priest Lunavic
Donating gives a slight chance to receive Chunks of Runic ore, or other 'Rising Tide' materials from The Depths.
Acolyte Moonshadow Armor
Outfit this year's crop of Lunar Acolytes, allowing them to fend off the invading Shadow & Chaos Wolves.
Lunar Armor Fragment