Such a nice time of year. You should spend some time with other Trovians. Challenges are held every hour, and they even have rewards, so it's win-win. Either way, go out there and earn a Dragon Coin.
Earn a Dragon Coin
Play with others and earn a Dragon Coin.
Reach mastery level 10 to see what you got!
Snowfest Gift
Unwrap your gift!
Hello Trovian. I have made my way from the Permafrost to make a request. Some of my brethren are a little agitated. They're the kind of angry that only Saged Snowballs can cure. Could you do me a favor and go to the Permafrost and throw some Saged Snowballs at the angry Krampus, otherwise they're vibes will ruin Snowfest for the others there.
Save Some Horned Rumpfus
The Horned Rumpfus need help!
Dig Up Fae Treasure