Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
Exceptional Mastery Reliquary
Gives Metamatter. With Lodestar: Increased amount of Metamatter.
Great Mastery Reliquary
Gives a Tier 1 shared resource with a rare chance of Metamatter. With Lodestar: Gives a Tier 1 cave specific resource with an increased chance for multiple Metamatter.
Glowing Reliquary
Gives a Tier 4-5 shared resource with an uncommon chance of multiple Metamatter. With Lodestar: 100% chance for multiple Metamatter.
Luminous Reliquary
Gives a Tier 2-3 shared resource with a rare chance of multiple Metamatter. With Lodestar: Gives a Tier 2-3 cave specific resource with an increased chance for multiple Metamatter.
Shimmering Reliquary