
May 2024

Sunfest 2024 4/10: Well done Trovian. With this everything should... what? You're telling me there are creatures that look like Pinzo but are completely messed up? This isn't good, this isn't good at all. Something must have happened to that cloning device. I hate to say it, but we'll have to fix it if we want those Pinzobominations to not overrun Trove. For now though, go out and defeat as many Pinzobominations as you can. They can be found in Candoria and Cake Dungeons all over Trove. I'll look into a solution to this. Defeat Pinzobomination enemies in Candoria and Cake Dungeons.

Defeat the Pinzobomination Leader

Sunfest 2024 5/10: It looks like his Pinzo Printer has been malfunctioning, but I can't reach it because his forces are too powerful. Their leader is currently in the Fluxtuating Fissures delves, but it's not the man himself. It's... well you'll know it when you see it. I heard the house merchants talking about a new Gateway they found, and I think that might be your way in. Go check in with them for help. Fight the leader of the Pinzobominations. The Gateway can be purchased from any of the Quartermasters in the Events area of the Hub.

Defeat Sunfest Cake Enemies

Sunfest 2024 6/10: You made it back! While you were out I retrieved the Pinzo Printer, and it looks as messed up as the clones it's making. I had to go a long, long, long way away to get it, but it's here now for us to fix. It looks like it needs to be fed an extravagant cake, so you're going to need to get some ingredients from the cakes of Candoria. I'll give you the recipes once you've cleared out enough of them. Defeat Sunfest cake enemies in Candoria and Cake Dungeons.

Bake an Unnecessarily Expensive Cake at the Sunfest Oven

Sunfest 2024 7/10: You should hopefully be able to bake a cake expensive enough for the printer now at the Sunfest Oven. Craft the recipe for an Unnecessarily Expensive Cake found on the Sunfest Oven in the Events area of the Hub.

Feed the Malfunctioning Pinzo Printer

Sunfest 2024 8/10: Now that you have the cake, go over to the Malfunctioning Pinzo Printer and feed the cake to it. Craft the FEED ME recipe found on the Malfunctioning Pinzo Printer in the Events area of the Hub.

Defeat Pinzobominations